Monday, February 1, 2016

Social Engineering

My task was to fake an injury and get a fellow player to believe it and help me.
When i picked up the card to read my assignment i thought to myself this can be done in a day. So after class was ended i went into the lounge where they have the ping pong table because i have a locker there and there was a lot of people there so i thought there goes a opportunity so i accidentally hit my leg against one of the chairs and fell down. Immediately one of the people came and helped me because it looked like i had rolled my ankle which i did not but i had to fake it. They helped me get up and i thanked them and hopped to the main entrance where i did not see any of them then i started walking normally to my car to go home. at first i felt a bit weird doing what i just did to them but later i realize that i had to do it for my grade in the class. With this hack i could of obtained the person name , phone number.


  1. I am confused now, whether fellow player means player from our class or anybody? Good acting job though!! LOL.

  2. Fellow player means a fellow student in our class.

  3. So this wasn't towards a fellow player. I would say this was a failed attempt, so no points but still credit towards your grade.
