Friday, February 5, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 2

My task was incredibly easy. In fact it was so easy that I accomplished my mission without trying. On Wednesday at about 2:45 pm I jumped on the Orange line from the Community College T stop in order to go to Downtown Crossing. I had a lot on my mind and CIT-273 wasn't even on the radar. I got in from the first door of the car and walked to my left. That put me in the area where there are fewer seats. I'm not sure if that is the spot where according to Federal law, one has to give up their seat to someone that is elderly or handicapped. Between North Station and Haymarket some polite young gentleman thought I fit the bill and offered me his seat. I thanked him and told him that I wish there were more people like him ridding the T. I mentioned that I am old but not quite old enough that he has to give up his seat for me. Then the task of the week dawned on me. I didn't take the seat because I would of felt creepy taking advantage of someone's kindness. My index card specifically states to get someone on the T to offer me their seat, not to actually take it. When I originally read my card I figured I would have to bribe someone with food, money, cigarettes or booze to get their seat. All I had to do was be myself, old and tired looking. I liked this task because it didn't involve anyone in the class and I didn't have to take advantage of someone just for the sake of doing so.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately this isn't social engineering but rather accidental luck. I'm glad this occurred and allowed you to have some insight, however.
