Monday, February 8, 2016

Ethics Assignment 2 (Ethics #1 Revision)

Operation Payback was an attack by Anonymous which covered a wide range of different industries. Attacks on the film/music industries to credit card and banking companies to even foreign governments. Operation Avenge Assange was one of the numerous operations within Operation Payback. The attacks were carried out in support of WikiLeaks when major financial corporations (PayPal, Amazon, MasterCard, Visa, etc.) cut their services to the site. Donations to the site were either stopped or frozen. As WikiLeaks was a site which leaked classified information to the public, it was long a target of the government. Under political pressure, the financial corporations removed their services, cutting off a source of income for the site. Anonymous, which believes in a more transparent government, went into action. Operation Avenge Assange was carried out in retaliation against those financial corporations. The targeted sites were hit by sustained DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, either taking them down completely or slowing their services.

Anonymous launch DDoS attacks against government and financial sector targets in retaliation to the decision to cut financial services to WikiLeaks.

I will not judge the actions of Anonymous as right or wrong.

It is understandable why Anonymous did what they did. The government isn’t very transparent with its citizens. WikiLeaks gives us a glimpse of government activities by stealing and publishing classified information for the public. I respect people’s beliefs for a more transparent government and would like that to become a reality myself, but I don’t think WikiLeaks is the way to do it. The documents exposed by WikiLeaks can potentially have information on government/military personal, making them potential targets of our enemies. Yes, they try their best to censor personal information, but that isn’t all these documents contain. These documents can also give potential enemy states or terrorist organizations a glimpse into our government, military, infrastructure, economy, etc. Information in these various sectors of our country can potentially undermine our nation’s security. Therefore, I approve of Anonymous’ fight for a more transparent government. At the same time, I don’t agree with the methods of WikiLeaks.


Instead of spending so much time and resources on WikiLeaks, why not promote/encourage the government to be more open with us. Instead of relying on people stealing classified documents and revealing them, wouldn’t it be better if the government came clean with us themselves. The government isn’t perfect and they will make mistakes. They know how we view them is important and wouldn’t be hiding all their activities otherwise. If the government can openly acknowledge their mistakes and take responsibility (probably nvr gonna happen lolz), we wouldn’t need WikiLeaks snooping around releasing potentially harmful information along with the story they seek to publicize. This applies to us citizens as well. We need to acknowledge the fact that not all classified information are shady things the government has done. The government classifies a lot of information that directly affects our national security. If the government starts being more transparent with us about their misdoings, we should in turn trust them more with what they want to share and what needs to be classified (probably nvr gonna happen either : P). Trust between the government and its people.

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