Monday, February 29, 2016

Social Engineer Task 5 (Failed)

1 My task was to "bump" into Rev. Cyan on a day other than Tuesday. I failed the task.

2 After my Wednesday and Thursday classes, I usually head to the computer lab to complete some homework with a friend before going home. I think it was Thursdays that I see Rev. Cyan in what I think is the computer forensics room. I see him there every week working on the lab assignments. When I got this assignment, I figure it was perfect and I can just "bump" into him on Thursday that week.

3 I'd like to think my strategy was rather simple and straight forward. The problem was that this week, just when I picked this assignment, he wasn't there. I would see him there every week, but this week he suddenly didn't appear.

4 Failed.

5 I guess you can consider this recon even though I wasn't actively following him around. I did learn he likes to work on the labs in the computer forensics room from the many times I went to do my assignments. Also learned things don't go as expected in the most crucial moments.

6 Failed.


  1. I told Rev. Cyan what your task was, and suggested that he not use the computer forensics lab at those times.

    See how social engineering works?

  2. I'm sorry, who is this new king blue?

  3. This is the old King Blue, who are you?

    1. Good luck... if this is part of your assignment, otherwise your profile (On Blogger since February 2016) doesn't agree with whatever you are saying. Please, no more argument here on, thank you.

  4. Remember that this is a social engineering blog
