Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Social Engineering Post #2

My task was to find out what my target was doing after class.

My Target was Admiral Chartreuse.

At the end of class, I engaged the Admiral in friendly verbal dialog about this and other classes to delay him slightly as we prepared to exit the classroom. He and I completed the discussion and I gave the illusion of starting a discussion with someone else in the classroom to give the admiral a 20-25 pace head start, as which I departed the classroom to follow him to determine where he was going, and observed him approx. 25 feet ahead of me in the computer lab. I lost sight of him as he entered the hallway, but I was behind him by only a short distance. When I reached the vending machines I looked to the right toward the elevator (which was not active), towards the Mathspace doors (which he had not passed through) and backward toward student events. But to the left, approaching the men's bathroom on D-1, I spotted him as he was entering the bathroom. I followed him into the bathroom, and observed that he used the left most urinal, while I used the right most. I washed my hands, dried them, and exited the mens room in advance of the Admiral to take up a position in the hallway that was opposite the exit door and photographed him with my iPhone just as he exited, and then a continued with him the dialog we were having moments ago in the classroom.

I opted to photograph in the hallway as opposed to photographing him in the men room, standing at the urinal as such an image would have been unlawful as the bathrooms are regarded as a legally restricted place for such things.

I felt that merely photographing him leaving the bathroom would be sufficient, so I blocked his face in the image and posted it here.

It technically would have been possible to photograph him in the act of using the urinal, but this would have been a criminal act as his genitals were exposed, as well such an image would have been ethically in conflict and would have caused the him serious mental distress and needless anguish. I chose to photograph him leaving the toilet, and positioned the camera so that it did not look into the bathroom, but rather it caught him as he came around the corner as he exited.

The social engineering aspect of the assignment involved creating a subtle delay so that I could depart the classroom and intersect with his activities while he was still on the first floor, because if he used the stairs the task would have been lost.

If he had taken the elevator, I would have been able to catch him either at the door, or just boarding, if the he had gone past the initial Mathspace doors I would have been able to see him, and should he have doubled back to student activities I would have been able to follow him as well. The exit of the computer lab created a choke point in regards to his movements, so it was a matter to statistically estimating his movements after the choke point, and being in a suited position to take him picture as he/after he engaged in the activity right after class (as per my assignment).

I feel that the assignment was successful, as I did in fact obtain the information required, with a photograph to prove it.

In the hallway, he and I then engaged another students in discussion about their classes and their programs at the school, and I suspect that the Admiral was using this fellow for his project, so I assisted in the discussion that he led as he appeared to be running a pretext on the fellow.

1 comment:

  1. Good. And glad you took the picture NOT in the bathroom. :) 3 points.
