Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ethical Hacking Social Engineering Experiment # 3

1. My task was to take a picture of a fellow player's mailbox

2. I followed King Blue on the train. He did not realize that I was following him because I had my hood up. My coat hood is so large that it falls over half my face. As he got off of the train, I was very sneaky in staying on the other side of the road and his house was very close to the T. He was very naive in not realizing who was following him in his surroundings as he was very occupied in talking on the phone. I waited until he got inside and then I took a picture of his mailbox

3. My strategy was effective because he was not paying any attention to his environment and I made him my target because he was on his phone, which
meant that it would make it a lot easier to follow him without knowing.

4. The moral stakes are that stalkers, thieves, rapists, and murderers look for vulnerable people, and there are so many people that are too occupied on their phones at night to realize that there is someone following them until its too late. It is recommended by the police to stay aware of your surroundings to prevent being mugged, killed, or raped especially at night.

5. There is not much I can do with the info or skills that I obtained other than use it to stalk people (which I do not do). Also this relates to what we were learning in class, where the data packets in the IP/TCP protocol could be stolen or be kind of an unsafe way of communicating. Just like I took a picture and accessed his mailbox, those data packets could be accessed in the same way by hackers/bad people.

6. While doing this, I felt like I was being extremely creepy because I was hiding behind trees and watching him closely on the train. I can not imagine being on the other end with someone following me like that. I felt like an very sketchy individual.

1 comment:

  1. Well done and probably one of the harder tasks to date. 4 points.
