Wednesday, February 24, 2016

1st assignment

Around the late 2006 to early 2007 era a familiar online name anonymous took actions toward a man named Hal (Harold) Turner for his recognition of being a neo-Nazi. He hosted his own podcast show live on the web. He is a white supremacist true believer who has used internet and radio broadcasts to announce his hatred towards nonwhite ethic groups.  Some may know him for his advocacy of racism, violence against immigrants and public officials where some information can be found on ADL website (Anti-Defamation League).  Hal published the home phone numbers of several prank callers. Mr. Turner posted a request to Skinheads to located and beat one of the hackers. As proof a picture was produced by Hal Turner displaying on his Web Site a picture of a young man with a bloody face. The identical photo was located immediately elsewhere on the Web in an unrelated context proving the claim posted on his website. The member’s information happen to be from a group named Anonymous; having originated and operating through which is a website with a bulletin board to post and comment. Anonymous have made a name for them by turning a simple individual into a universe of many cultures as one.  A large number of individuals decided that retaliation was necessary towards the well know Neo-Nazi. The pranksters posted the personal phone numbers of Hal Turner and his parent, reported allegations of domestic abuse and cruelty to animals, which Hal Turner has denied. He even became the target of a DDos (Denial of Service attack). The group sent multiple systems flood towards his bandwidth and other resources used as a target of system; the attacks where setup to sends a tsunami of ‘net traffic to a domain, land lines and any other means of clogging any free space. Upon all the many vary attempts of pranking the web media spokesperson. Someone was able to find out that he worked as an informant for the FBI agent between 2003 and 2007 and providing information on white supremacist groups for the same government he frequently railed against. Turner was convicted of threatening to assault and murder three federal judges in Chicago.  He served 2 1/2 to 3 years in prison.
The motivation that forwarded anonymous to react to Hal Turner could have been prevented. I don’t know if all battles are meant to be war. But this group felt they had to prove messing with one means it involves more than many. They are united and that is the point they are making to Hal Turner or anyone who gets in the way of a minority who really are the majority. I feel that anonymous is no more in the right than Mr. Turner. They both used their means of the amendment laws of free speech when it came to each side’s argument.  Anonymous just wanted to be notice and I feel that is why they took action against Hal Turner. He gets attention constantly by referencing the shock factor to current events and because of that people listen whether they like what he says or not. And with that being said I feel that is the same method anonymous used on him but through their method of a shock to his system by seeing how long they can shut him down. Do I agree with Anonymous the way they handled Mr. Turner, yes I do. Everyone expressed themselves and there is not law against that.

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