Monday, February 8, 2016

Social Engineering Assignment #2

I was charged with getting the birth date of Helion Black.

My first problem was not knowing who Helion Black was. After discovering who he was, I had to discover his complete name to get a lead. Fortunately we ran into each other outside the restroom, and we spoke for a while (who knows, he could've been setting me up in the process).

In our conversations, he noted that he was in another class of which I was also taking. After that, I searched an class email the professor sent out and I saw Black's email along with his name.

I did some searches on social medial; none which revealed a birthday. I then widen my search to online sites that aggregate people's information. I managed to narrow it down to 5 people who kind of fit Black's age.

Unfortunately, these sites wanted money to search these 5 possible individuals. And that's where my social engineering drew to a close (no pun intended).

Status: failed.