Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Social Engineering #3

My social engineer task was to perform three good deeds for strangers.  

 I’m a person who is genuinely nice to everyone I meet just by looking them into the face and saying hello. So I was to take on this challenge quit easily. Not having to be suspicious around anyone you never met seems like a really simple job. 1st good deed performed was after work on my route home. It was a very cold single digit temperature day. On this kind of day the option is to stand at my usual bus stop to where there is only one designated bus or next area up the block where I have an option of more than one bus. So of course the choice was the bus stop with different options. About ten of us where hoovering around in the glass shielded area to try to keep warm and dodge any amount of wind chill that your way. A young male in a grey hoodie sweat suite walks up to the s holding area. It was very bizarre to see someone out on this day without any layers on and the night sky air was crisp. The guy stood in the glass door way with the rest of the crowd trying to keep warm. He then took his arms out of his hooded pull-over sleeves and placed his arms in pants. You could tell the chill factor was bothering him because his skin color was a red and looked swollen. After waiting at the stop for about 10-15mins the CT1 arrives and everyone sighs for relief. We all regroup on bus to enjoy the warmth. The young gentle man seats next to me in the seat next to the aisle. He hoovers leaning over in the seat trying to keep warm. He had change cupped in both hands and starts shaking the coins. I notice how reddish purple his hands looked and even had a swollen look to them. It bothered me that I had on gloves and in my bag I carry every day to work has two other gloves nestled in the front pocks. So I reached in my bag and offered him a pair of gloves. He didn’t want to take them at first suggesting I may need them. So stated to him well right now you need them too. He said thank you. A few stops after that I got off at my sop and never seen the young guy again. 

Around 8:15 am while making an attempt to get my usual cup of coffee in the cafeteria. An older gentleman was standing at the cash register as if he was looking at the menu to purchase a breakfast sandwich. I stood behind him for about 2 minutes than asked if he ordering he shook his head no. So I purchase my ice coffee and starting to make my drink on the counter-top. The man continued to stand there with a rocking motion. So the girl at the counter inquired if he wanted anything. He didn’t respond to her so I walked over and asked was he feeling alright. He really didn’t respond. We offered him to have a seat in the cafe but he was unable to move. I inquired was he with someone in the hospital. He stated he was waiting for his wife. The guy was having an episode from Parkinson disease which was informed to me by a MD who came over to help me. When someone is having episode all you can do is help point them but they have to proceed with the symptom till it’s over. The older gentleman didn’t take his medication for the morning he stated. So we took him up to neurology so he could get better assistance then I was on my way to my department.
My last and final task was way too easy for a good deed. While in my favorite coffe shop ordering me a coffee. Another patron after was fumbling on their brown satchel purse looking  for $1.06 towards their purchase.  Knowing I had some loose change and waiting for the batista to finish making my drink. I offered the money to the woman who paused for a moment before she thanked me and put the funds towards her purchase. Job well done as mspinkytoe completed her task. In the beginning it seemed so hard and easy at the same time. Everyday can be a pocket of good deeds. You just have to know which one to dish out. Agent signing off for duty