Thursday, February 18, 2016

Social Engineering Task #4

My task was get Jade Hacker to show me her photographs of starts without asking her

When I got this task, I was shocked. I did not bring the hacker names sheet to class. I also did not know who was Jade Hacker. Then I tried to collected information from other follow player. I borrowed a hacker names sheet from Chevalier. I checked the name of Jade Hacker. However, I still did not know who was her in class. I tried to asked my classmates that did they know her? They both said there were not sure. Then I tried to go BHCC moodle 2016SP CIT-273-01HB to check student list. Usually, the moodle will record students full name, and some students had their photo on it. I still could not get any information. I decided to check Ethical Hacking blogs to get more information. I checked every blogs that Jade Hacker post to find more detail about her. However, I still did not know who was her. Finally, I checked CricketLime’s Social Engineering Task # 2, and I saw a picture from Jade Hacker. Even though it did not have her face, I could guess who was her. I looked around in class, and I though I have found her. I kept looking at her to compare that picture. I should not do that because my action let Jade Hacker knew that I was looking at her. After the Werewolf game, I was 100% sure she was my target.

My strategy was asking her for a social media such as, Face Book, Instagram, twitter… My task need her show me a picture without asking her, and these social media may include her picture. If I could let her show her social medias, I would finish my task. I though after a Werewolf game, and it would a good start to make friend with her. Then after class, I was waiting a chance to talk to her. However, I have watched her a long time during class. It made her noticed me. When she was out of the class, I tried to make a conversation with her. I tried to add her to be my friend by Facebook, but she said she did not use it. I kept trying to ask other type of social medias. She said she did not like to use social media. She defended my attack successfully. At less, I could make a friend with her. I never talked to Jade Hacker , so I tried to make friend with her that was so strange. Also, my identifying action was bad, and it was the big point to make me fail . My task was not easy because my task needed her to show me her picture. I could not take picture without her knowing or use Google to find her picture. Also I did not take other class with her. If I can not finish my tasks in class time, I would not meet her until next class.

For my task, if everyone use my action to add friend on social media to get information, maybe people will be affair to make new friend on social media. Social media may have vulnerability to lose your personal information. When we post anything on social media, we should be carful.

Even though this time I did not succeed, I still learn a lot. Before I did my task, I should prepare everything such as the hacker names sheet. Also, I need to have Poker Face because you expression will make people doubt. When we start our action, we need to do it secretly. On social media ,do not add a strange to be your friend easily because he may use your some information to do something bad. Then when we should not post any important information on social media. It may find by Google.

This time, I did not feel bad, but I fail my task. I have put a lot of effort at my task. At less, I could get some thing from this task. I knew who was Jade Hacker, and she also knew who I am. Maybe next time I could ask her for help, or I can help her to do something.


  1. You can find the information that you are seeking regarding student names by going to the NetLab+ Ethical Hacking module and "ethically exploring", additionally you can use the schools E-Mail system to search for students be first name, or by last initial. It may feel a little creepy to do this, but it is within the boundaries laid out in both the school policy, as well as the rules for this course.

    1. Oh~ I did not realise that. Thank you for remind me that.Next time I can save my time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Failed attempt. No points this time, but credit for trying.

    Great job defending by Jade Hacker (2 points).

  4. Failed attempt. No points this time, but credit for trying.

    Great job defending by Jade Hacker (2 points).
