Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Social Engineering Task #3

1.  What was your task?

My task was to follow a fellow classmate for 2 blocks.

2.  What did you do?

Being that we don't have blocks in the proximity of out school, I decided to follow SGT Baby Pink from the D building to the parking lot. I followed him through the hallways to a point where I interacted a bit with him (maybe he caught on to me), but I managed to stay behind. Later, to my surprised he headed to the 2nd level in the B building (I usually exit through the 1st level to the parking lot). I kept on as to not arouse suspicion, and decide to got up to the 2nd level via another stairway. As I came up to the main lobby entrance, I saw him preparing to exit the main entrance. I then followed him to what I thought was the parking lot but then he turned to the left to access the pedestrian overpass on New Rutherford Ave. At that time, due to the increasing rain and wind I decided not to keep on following him, and started heading to my car.

3.  How effective was your strategy?

It was effective up until the point where he didn't go to the main parking lot. I didn't plan for any contingencies that arose.

4.  What are the moral stakes?

I didn't feel there was anything moral about this assignment. I just require me taking photos in the rain while other people looked on.

5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?

I think it showed me how to better my tracking skills, which I can definitely improve on. It also taught me to prepare in advance for contingencies that may arise when tracking.

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this.

It just felt weird taking photographs while other people looked on. A little bit uncomfortable, but not overbearing. They must've thought I was a stalker of some sort.


  1. A bit of a short trip since you didn't leave campus. 2 points

  2. A bit of a short trip since you didn't leave campus. 2 points
