Sunday, February 28, 2016

Ethics Assignment #4

If James Rachels was alive today I feel like, he would disagree with FBI. The FBI wants Apple to help unlock the San Bernardino terrorists IPhone 5s. It may seem like a good idea but it’s truly an indiscretion. We rely on encryption heavily in today’s society and to potentially put everyone that owns an iPhone at a privacy risk is a troubling thing. There are a few key things that Rachels brings up that lead me to believe he would oppose the FBI's request. Rachels states 'Privacy is sometimes necessary to protect people's interests in competitive situations" Apple being a very well-known and respected company, they need to look out for their business interests. if users think their privacy can be easily unmasked they may get rid of their apple products. This was a part of a statement that was in Apples letter to its customers “access your health records or financial data, track your location, or even access your phone’s microphone or camera without your knowledge" Rachels thinks medical companies and financial companies should know the bare minimum. Rachels states "When people apply for credit (or for large amounts of insurance or for jobs of certain types) they are often investigated, and the result is a fat file of information about them" he goes on to say that the outing of certain personal data could ruin potential credit. Rachels doesn’t like the fact that the extra private information companies could get on you can impact you getting credit or not; he’s not closed minded and he acknowledges that companies need certain information on the person to make sure they are a good candidate. but he disagrees with the overreaching of some companies. If Apple did make this software for the FBI it would not be for "one-time use" once it’s made its out there and a lot of people can be exposed and taken advantage of. Rachels brings up social relationships and I think that’s a good talking point. Say you are someone who has naked pictures of you and your partner on your phone, personal journals, medical information, emails etc., and your phone gets broken into and exposed do you think your employer’s, coworkers, family, and friends are not going to be impacted by the information that has brought to light? there are some things that we keep close to us and only us and that’s the way it should be. I believe Rachels would think this situation with Apple and the FBI could be more destructive than helpful and take apples side. 



  1. I belive James Rachels will disagree with FBI. If Apple helps FBI unlock the San Bernardino terrorists IPhone. It should ruined some peole's life. Some people may just add terrorists to be firend, but they did not no anything from them. Howerer, this can be evdences for FBI doing investigation. When they become target of FBI's investigation. I believe they will get into trouble... However, FBI just want to finish their jobs. I know unlock terrorist's phone is a good way to solve a case, buy it is not fail for some people who did not relate the case.

  2. For Apple to unlock that phone it is a huge set back security wise. The two terror suspects were not even on the radar so they may not have big ties to terrorism and there's a good chance they will find out nothing more than they already know.

  3. Yea right, a one time freebie for the FBI, it's comparable borrowing money from a pessimist knowing he'll never get it back. Instead of spending money on a damn wall that's destined to fail, why wont they just utilize that portion to hire talented people? I can't believe they're willing to dismantle all the decades of encryption advancement for this. They're dead, let it go!

  4. @ Helion Black I think that the FBI is just trying to figure out what else is on the phone because of the fact that they have discovered a Facebook post from one of the terrorists claiming allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. I do agree with you that if Apple makes this software it won't be a one time use since it will be out there and the FBI will try to force Apple to unlock other phones as well. Like the case in New York.
