Monday, February 22, 2016

Social Engineering Task 4

My task of the week was to get a fellow player to hand me their cell phone unlocked. I was a bit concerned when I didn’t see any cell phones around the classroom, until one dropped from Lelion Noir’s coat pocket. It immediately became evident how much he cared for it while he polished it and checked for scratches on it after the drop. My decision to target him was easy; to catch him in a vulnerable state to hand it to me unlocked was another. I patiently waited for right moment, then while he was distracted, I asked him simple, discreet questions regarding the phone such as the make, model, and how much RAM it had inside, it worked and he handed it to me without any suspicion. While he was informing me the details, I quickly scanned the system trying to figure out where the camera, text, and sys files were located. Admitting, I wasn’t used to an Android device since I only utilize IOS so it was a bit challenging to quickly find what I needed.
After figuring out how to utilize the device, I finally managed to snap a couple of nice pics of Lelion Noir and myself with only Jade Hacker noticing my actions. I smiled and winked at her then continued skimming. I gave the phone back after a few minutes and lied to him about how impressed I was of the Android Note and that I wanted to purchase one for myself, then he got suspicious and checked his pictures folder to find my nice surprise and that’s when we exploded in laughter.
I really didn’t feel guilty going through the phone, I only wish I had more time to really explore it to advance my progress. If I were better prepared with a Sim Card reader, I could’ve retrieved quite a bit of information in the couple of minutes in which he was distracted. If I really needed to own his phone, I could’ve downloaded mSpy onto it. Within just a few minutes of installation, mSpy would’ve started running undetectably in the background and would’ve began sending information such as GPS location, Call Logs, Text Logs, Phonebook, to the mSpy servers for me to do what I wish, even wiping it remotely.

No Regrets. Sgt. Blubonnet.