Monday, February 8, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 2

For my social engineering task this week, I had to take a picture with a stranger. I found this extremely difficult to do since I have been in bed all week with the flu. Today I decided to finally leave my house and visit my brother who lives down the street. As I entered, I noticed this hunk of a man sitting in the living room. I've never seen this guy before and thought he was really cute. I started talking to him and soon learned he and my brother go to school together. After a little flirtation I asked him if he would mind taking a picture with me, so that I can show my friends how hot he was lol. He didn't mind at all. This was an easy task for me as I was in an environment I felt comfortable in, and I'm the type who doesn't really care what people think of me so it was fun. In the end, I accomplished my task and got a cute guys number. :)

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