Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Social Engineering Assignment #2

My task was to get someone on the T to switch seats with me. On Sunday at around 5:20 pm I got on the Green Line at Park Street with a coworker of mine. As soon as we got on the train we were told that the train would be standing by. Since they often have front door exit only on the green line we sat in the front near the driver so we could get off the train easily. After a minute of sitting down I asked him to switch seats with me he asked why and I told him that I just wanted to switch seats he shrugged his shoulders and switched with me. As the train started to fill up and started moving to Boylston i noticed that the guy sitting next to me was talking to the girl sitting across the aisle. So I thought oh cool I can attempt to get her to switch seats with me. As the train left Boylston and started heading to Arlington I looked at the girl and asked out loud do you want to switch seats with me so you could sit next to him? I don't mind switching she asked if I was sure I said yeah and we switched seats. I think that my strategy was very effective since most people would want to sit with their friends or significant others. That they wouldn't think that I'm purposely trying to get them to switch seats with me. I learned that you can get someone to do something for you if they think that they are the one benefiting from the situation. I felt normal since I have switched seats with someone a few times before this task was given.

1 comment:

  1. Great! And it probably felt less hard for you to do since you could help someone else out in the process. :) 2 points!
