Tuesday, February 16, 2016

  • Problem Claim Reason Principle
  • Hal Turner was a Neo-Nazi who had a Podcast show online where he would rant on the government and also people from different races. Anonymous decided to troll him online by flooding hid server sending hundreds of boxes of pizza to his house and made in incapable of paying for his own show. They hacked his email and found out that he was a confidential informant for the FBI which if you were a NeoNazi you could not be. So he was arrested for making death threats to a few judges. I think that anonymous  went a bit too far but in the same way they discovered that he was making death threats also which landed him in jail.
  • Harold Charles Turner born March 15, 1962 is a 5'2" 180 pound white supremacist and tough guy on the internet, known for his conspiracy theorist tendencies and constant lying on his Internet radio program, the Hal Turner Show. Typical of white supremacists, He has appeared on Fox News calling on people to assassinate judges who bagged a neo-Nazi and frequently gets into fights with local politicians and anti-racist organizations.  Hal Turner was quoted as advocating the killing of undocumented aliens. He also was involved in an assault case against Jaime Vazquez, recipient of the Purple Heart. Jersey City Councilman. Jersey City Deputy Mayor.
  • Hal Turner is best known for his rant of racism and of violence against immigrants and public officials. Turner also frequently reports that the US economy is about to collapse. 
  • The initial foray consisted of a coordinated series of prank calls to Hal Turner’s Internet talk show. Mr. Turner retaliated by posting the callers’ phone numbers at his Web Site.
  • The ePosse escalated the attack over a wider front. The pranksters posted the personal phone numbers of Hal Turner and his parents. Included in the message were allegations of domestic abuse and cruelty to animals, which Mr. Turner has denied. Supposedly Hal Turner’s wife, mother, and underage son received phone calls threatening assault and sexual assault.
  • Hal Turner’s Web Site became the target of a Denial of Service attack. A Denial of Service attack is an automated process that sends a tsunami of ‘net traffic to a domain. This can cause the hosting server to grind to a halt, making a Web Site unavailable to visitors. According to Turner, the Denial of Service attack has cost him thousands of dollars in bandwidth charges. The attackers (possibly identified or associated with /b/tards and/or Anonymous) are quite proud of this and have openly gloated about it in message boards. Hal Turner’s Web Site forwarded to the official FBI Web Site.  The forward was intended to divert the Denial of Service attack to the FBI and so involve the Feds.
  • Hal Turner got arrested for making death threats to a few judges. On one hand you can say that what anonymous did was illegal because persecution is a crime because it is the same thing when a person hacked an individual and finds out that the person is a pedophile he come to a road block whether he should turn this person in or not. On the other hand Hal turner was white supremacist who was ranting about immigrants and making death threats to members of the judiciary system so In mind I believe he deserved what came to him.

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