Monday, February 8, 2016

Ethics Assignment #1 & 2


Scientology is a rather controversial religion that was founded by L Ron Hubbard, an individual with a creative mind and a dubious integrity. This church has been implicated in abusive practices that range from employing censorship and legal harassment against any sort of criticism to crimes against humanity, such as human trafficking and modern day slavery.


The Church of Scientology is hindering Freedom of Speech and Press over the Internet over an unpublished video of Tom Cruise talking about Scientology. The Church start to bully every digital news outlet and individual to have the video removed in their respective websites. Some refuse, and are targeted by lawsuits. 


Scientology has to be "informed" that it cannot do all those actions over the Internet without facing consequences.


Internet is meant to be free. Everyone should be allowed to express ideas and opinions, and post content over the Web, no matter how offensive are to other people. No one should be allowed to censor content over the Internet under the basis of founding it offensive or finding it detrimental to any organization cause.


Freedom of Speech should be defended. It is an unalienable right, and that includes the Internet as a medium.

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