Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ethics Assignment #4

In light of the current situation involving Apple and the FBI, here I will be discussing about the topic “Why Privacy is Important” by James Rachels. I will try to quote, analyze the thought process of author, and then will try to interpret what he might have think about the current scenario.
I would start with the quote from Why Privacy is important, “…we have in being able to be free from certain kinds of intrusions. Since I agree that is the right place to begin, I shall begin there.” This shows the strong belief of author about the privacy issue.
The whole thing happening here looks like a power struggle between Apple and FBI as suggested by many people.  Apple CEO Tim Cook writes a letter to customers stating, “For many years ... We have even put that data out of our own reach, because we believe the contents of your iPhone are none of our business.” It can also be interpreted as customer’s data security and privacy is our responsibility none of FBI or Government’s job. If we quote here James Rachels from Why Privacy is important, “An adequate account of privacy should help us to understand what makes something “someone‟s business” and why intrusions into things that are “none of your business” are, as such, offensive.”  He basically says do not interfere with others affair, sounds similar to the stand taken by Apple right now.
Mr. Cook writes, “For years, cryptologists and national security experts have been warning against weakening encryption. Doing so would hurt only the well-meaning and law-abiding citizens who rely on companies like Apple to protect their data.”  That might be a genuine reason and also maintaining good relationship with customers-- here selling point is “greater privacy”. Similar expression we can read from James Rachels as well, which reads, “Thus we have good reason to object to anything that interferes with these relationships … one of the most important reasons why we value privacy.”
There are many claims and counterclaims by both side (FBI and Apple) regarding the privacy and security. Right now, it is hard for a common man to understand what’s going on behind the scene. Both side looking right in their own way. With above references, we can infer that James Rachels would have taken the side of the Apple (privacy and only privacy) in the current context.



  1. If Apple was forced to help unlock the San Bernardino terrorists IPhone 5s, it will be the frist case to record in court. In the future, a lot of cases may reference to this case. That means FBI can unlock smark phone to find evdiences easily.This time just Apple have to decrease Iphone's encapsulation level, but how about next time. Next time, FBI may require Samsung, Sony, do the same thing. Because Apple agree to do that, so they should do that. Howerver, who can guarantee our privacy... privacy is an aspect of liberty. Apparently,FBI's action affect it.

  2. In this case, honestly I'm not sure who is telling us truth FBI or Apple.We all agree on privacy but I guess differ on the method about how to achieve that, let's see what happens.
