Monday, February 22, 2016

Ethics Assignment #3

The Computer Security Act was implemented in 1987. It was put in place to protect federal computer systems. The act requires security programs and training; it also requires a plan to secure sensitive information.

I think it would be morally acceptable to break this law if the government was putting the general public in danger or they are breaking certain laws. Take Snowden for instance, he saw mass surveillance as immoral so he leaked a substantial amount of documents revealing wrong doings by the government. He worked for the government for years and he saw and did so much that clearly made him dig deep into his morals and make a life changing decision. The NSA had a program called Prism that was surveilling big companies such as yahoo, google, Microsoft, and Facebook. He sacrificed living in the U.S. and his high paying job to expose the powers at be. Another big leak was that the NSA had all major phone companies giving their customer records to them. I feel like he did a good thing for the masses. There is no reason for the government to surveil the general public. If there are terrorist concerns or concerns about an individual they should go to the courts and get warrants or whatever they need to obtain to watch an individual and leave it at that. I believe the government shouldn’t infringe on our privacy and give a BS reason to justify it. this is clear cut for me, I want our citizens to be safe but I definitely do not want every shred of our information and privacy infringed on to do so. The government ideals need to change and the exposure of their wrong doings are a step in the right direction.

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