Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Social Engineering #4

My task was to do something nice for 3 fellow players anonymously.

What I ended doing was sending a screen capture of our lab homework to 3 fellow players: Helion Black, Jade Hacker, and Rev. Cyan.

At first I fell a little bit apprehensive for sharing homework, but I decided to send 3 different screen captures. It was an easy task with the exception of mining for emails.

One of the things that I learned was to mine for information with little resources. All I had was "The List" and cross referenced that with names online and other sources. I also learned how to cover my tracks using non-traceable forms of communications like throwaway emails and using TOR.


  1. Admiral, I did not get any screenshots from you. Are you sure you have my correct contact info?

    1. This is interesting 🤔😂😂

  2. ^^^^^ did you check your bhcc email? I received one

  3. I did, and have not received anything.. Good luck finding any info on me online.. ;)

  4. Hmmm....seems like it wasn't 100% effective. No points this time, but good attempt.

  5. Hmmm....seems like it wasn't 100% effective. No points this time, but good attempt.
