Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 4

What was your task? Anonymously perform 5 good deeds for strangers

What did you do? For the first 2 deeds, I added a sticky note to the mirror inside the women’s bathroom in the B-Building. On this sticky note I wrote “You look Beautiful today” to encourage positive self image. For my second deed I added a sign on the bulletin board by the engineering department that says "Take What You Need” with tear-off tabs at the bottom for Love, Strength, Happiness, and Courage.  For my 3rd deed I stopped by a small coffee shop in Old Colony Mass, and purchased 3 iced coffees to give to the first 3 people that walked in.

How effective was your strategy? My strategy was very effective since these were relatively simple tasks to do, but also goes a long way especially to those who are touched by the messages/signs I left. Anytime I can help someone feel good about themselves is a win win for me.

What are the moral stakes? I didn’t feel there were any moral stakes about this assignment. If anything, I felt good giving back.

Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained? There was no information obtained by this task.

Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this.
I felt good. Definitely felt as if I was giving back somehow, especially with the inspiring messages. A positive compliment can go a long way for someone who may be having a bad day.

Social Engineering Task #3 (Make-Up for my absence on 2.9.16)

What was your task? Get Sgt. Bluebonnet to hand me his phone unlocked.

What did you do? I approached my target by asking if he had iMessage/iPhone. iMessage can be used via wifi to send messages to people who have an iPhone. I claimed my phone had died and really needed to send a imessage to someone. Sgt. Bluebonnet provided me with one of his iPhones and I used it to send myself a text. 

How effective was your strategy? Very effective as I had 2 social engineering tasks for this week. When I approached the target he had his guard up and suspected I was trying to social engineer him. lol. I deceived him by showing him my good deed task and in doing so was able to accomplish my goal of obtaining his phone.

What are the moral stakes? The moral stakes would be what I would do with this player’s unlocked phone.

Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?  By having someone’s unlocked phone I can obtain personal information and can also setup phone tracking as well.

Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this. I felt devious in doing this as I intentionally deceived someone in giving me what I needed. But, it’s all fun and games at this point so no harm intended. ;)


  1. Nice one Jade! Taking advantage of my kindness. Now, I really need to know if I was specifically targeted by the assignment? Or, did I just show signs of being a "sucker"? Anyway, thanks for fueling my fire for revenge cause I'm targeting you next! :-)

    1. The assignment was specifically targeting you. It's all fun and games isn't?! :)

  2. Nice job with both tasks Jade. 4 points for the phone and 4 points for the good deeds.

  3. Nice job with both tasks Jade. 4 points for the phone and 4 points for the good deeds.
