Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Social Engineering Task #1

My assignment was to get a fellow player to tell you where they banked. Once I received the task in hand the idea of plotting emerged in my doom. Scavenging the room with my eyes for a potential target as everyone around me was plotting their mission. I came across some stacked books on the table with a noted attached. The note stated the owner was selling The Hack Playbook: Practical Guide to Penetration Testing or willing to offer the book for free in exchange for a sidekick. The seller’s name is Rev. Cyan and he was sitting right next to me. Class ended around 4:50pm and while everyone was collecting their things I approached him with a smile inquiring if he would have the books for the next of class or I could try the ATM machine in BHCC. Rev Cyan stated that he would be in the building for a few hours and I could bring him the money. So then I started talking about my credit cards and how I was not sure if the ATM machine in the school would take credit cards. He stated he wasn’t sure either. Afterwards I started asking out loud about credit union banks or much larger banking institutes. Professor Monica overheard conversation and suggested that I talked to Professor J. who maybe more familiar about the ATM machines. Unfortunately Professor J. was not around the time in hand. I referred my attention to Dr. Blu Ninja so I could kill time because Rev Cyan was talking to fellow classmate with an unknown identity so I couldn’t finish my scheme on him. Professor Monica mentions to Professor J. that I had to ask her something upon her walking back into the classroom and all of the sudden my mind goes blank for about five seconds. All I could think about is that I cannot let my target leave the room till I finish questioning him about more bank institutes and using the ATM. I complete my conversation the Professors and started asking Rev Cyan about the BHCC ATM’s he continues to insist that he has no clue but he will be sitting in a glass shielded area where I can find him to give him if I need The Hack Playbook. My mission the evening was over a much failed attempted. Did I feel bank no cause people speak about banks all the time. I just needed time with Rev Cyan and my mission would have been complete.


  1. I picked up on your attempt to social engineer banking data out of me, but at the time, and in the moment I foiled out attempt. I should be given points for picking up on what yu were up to, and deflecting it.

  2. I agree Reverend. Good defense. No points for Sa Wr. 1 point for defense to Reverend.
