Monday, February 15, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 3

My task was to anonymously perform 5 good deeds for fellow players. Even though assignment won’t say how many players, 5 deeds looks to be achievable, just can’t say about anonymity. About few things which I’m writing below, I even won’t consider them as good deed, instead consider them as part of daily routine. Unfortunately for assignment purpose, I have to count and record them.

My first good deed was done to Chavalier Rogue by printing a copy of Lab # 2 papers and putting that on his desk. I hope that will make him easy to do his lab works (I am not proud to write that here). My second good deed was for Cricket Lime (again I’m not feeling proud to write that here) with her Lab works. My remaining good deeds I did anonymously was for all the players who might have issue with Lab # 2. I am not sure how many checked that or benefitted from that. Dr. Blu Ninja, posted about issue in Lab 2 on Ethical Hacking forum. Since I had the same issue and was able to resolve that later so I promptly posted a comment under his blog as Anonymous (no more surprise now) to let others know how to resolve that issue the way I did.

My strategy was to do good deed to other players whether that be anonymously or not. I put good deed as my priority 1 and anonymity as priority 2. Reason behind that was, we even don’t know each other properly, and doing five (5) good deeds anonymously within a limited time frame is no easy task. I was feeling good about my strategy until I found five good deeds are a lot to ask for.

Talking about moral stakes, writing about my own good deeds isn’t very comfortable. On top of that, doing them and announcing then after might be the worst part.

Doing good things to strangers or known person anonymously won’t be very challenging but for players (who are looking for every single clue) is very challenging. Doing anonymously means involving third party, within limited time and circle, to involve a third party for good deeds is very challenging. There is obvious dilemma about the things which are considered as good deeds and which are not. In our daily life we do so many things quietly without making big deal about that. Here, as part of assignment, I’m counting them isn’t very proud moment for me.

We have heard so many time that “no good deed is small deed”, but I think counting and recording those deeds somehow negates the effectiveness of that deed.


  1. I think you did a good job with your good deeds. It sounds like you enjoy helping people. I like your saying that “no good deed is a small deed”. I never heard that one before. Unfortunately, the motto of the place I used to work at in Lowell was "No good deed goes unpunished." The owner of that company is the poster boy for unethical behavior. If you look up the word unethical in the dictionary you will see a picture of his face.

    1. We use this saying in our workplace a lot, “no good deed is a small deed”.

  2. I never saw that coming. You can use your good deeds to build rapport with other people. Rapport could be used (or abused) toward your goal. It is the foundation of selling.

    1. True.. I hated to write that story here, unfortunately I had to.
