Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 2

1. My task was to take a picture of a classmate without them knowing. 
2. This task was fairly easy because I sit in the back of the classroom and can pretty much see everyone sitting around me. My target was Jade, who was the easiest to take a picture of because she was right in front of the class facing the professor sideways. Professor Poole was engaging us in a conversation, so everyone was focused on her, which made it very easy to take a picture of anyone. 
3. My strategy was very effective because it just involved taking a picture, rather than having to interact with that person and get information.
4. The moral stakes are that because I am not actually using this picture to stalk the target, I feel that it is ok to take a picture because it is in fact just a game. I know that I was not doing any harm to anyone around me by doing this. 
5. With the information and skills I learned, I guess I could be a detective and take pictures of criminals in the act without them knowing. 
6. It really did feel strange to have a picture of a stranger on my phone, and while I was taking the picture I felt bad for taking it because that person is so vulnerable, and people who do get their pictures taken without their permission are susceptible to being the victims of stalked.The photograph would be intellectual property of the photographer, and there is nothing that the victim in stalking cases like that could do, which is truly frightening. 

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