Saturday, February 27, 2016

Social Engineering Task 5

My task for the week consisted of performing reconnaissance on a fellow player using the Internet. The challenge for me was the fact that I did not know any fellow’s last name to conduct simple Google or Facebook searches to see what I could come up with. I did however have a phone number pertaining to another player’s social engineering task against me, Jade Hacker. Initially, I felt creepy and just plain ol’disgusting for having to do this, but since she did target me the week before, I felt compelled to repay her in kind.

I began performing a reverse lookup of her phone number, which at first didn’t provide me with much, but it did provide her last name. After finding her full name, it all became easier and although I could’ve paid for a deeper analysis, I gathered what I needed for this assignment from free, publicly available sources. I will not share any of her information on this blog because privacy means a huge deal to me. But, I managed to find her age, address, and close relatives via white and yellow pages. Also, her resume from provided me quite a bit of intel regarding all her current and former employers, there locations, and her level of technical expertise. The information I gathered, mind you for free, could’ve been disastrous, especially pertaining with credit fraud and other deviously natured motivations. Sowy Jadie, but you started it by lying and abusing my kindness! I promise to delete this stuff after I show you! LOL ;-)


  1. Lol!! Very nice Mr. Bluebonnet!! Although, a few of the info you have found is a bit out of date, but very good reconnaissance. Aww and don't be upset that I lied. It was only an innocent little white lie ;) We can still be friends lol.
