Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Social Engineering

My assigned task for class today is to "Fake and injury in class to garner sympathy" and I will not be able to make points on this task as it is not physically possible for me to "fake" an injury without risking actual physical harm to myself, due to some actual medical conditions of my own which could result in me leaving the back of an ambulance and in the Emergency room quite rapidly. I thus must respectfully decline to perform this task, and I am willing to loose points.

There is also the ethical issue, because several people in class know that I am in poor health, and would likely panic if they saw me get injured and would likely dial "911" and turn the entire exercise into quite a production of both real-life drama, and engineered drama.

On the other hand, I was considering having a member of my family who is a minister attend class for me next week, and somberly announce my death tot he class, and hand out obituaries and funeral notices, and direct grieving students to school counselors, only to have me walk in about 15 minutes late. But, the emotional stress on student I felt to be unethical (but worth of points).

PS. Tell Adrimal C. to find the poker card in his satchel


  1. Update and confession: In class I was able to slip a stethoscope into the messenger bag of the Admiral while his back was turned. He did not see me place it into his bag. When he resumed his seat, and opened his bag, he was baffled about the stethoscope and looked at me with a jaundiced eye, knowing that I was the culprit. He asked me why do i have a stethoscope, and I told him that it was because I have an injury that requires oxygen, etc, etc. These were all truthful statements to him, as I do normally carry oxygen, stethoscope, etc in my school bag. As there was no deception on my part toward him, merely the planting of a stethoscope, which results in him asking why I had it, open the door to me beign able accomplish my task, by usign the truth, but positioning a prop to open the dialog which allowed me to achieve the results required in the assignment.

    I feel that I am entitled to all points as I was able to obtain a dialog with my mark (the Admiral) without the use of deception, as social engineering through the use of bare truth is substantially more valuable them the use of falsehoods and/or deception.

    I do not know if I gained any sympathy from the Admiral of any great quantity, but I feel the task was a success because of the way I used a planted prop to obtain an excited utterance from the target with careful verbal navigation after his utterance.

  2. Ok. I will accept this as it was a quite creative way to tell the truth. 3 points.
