Monday, February 8, 2016

Ethical Hacking Assignment Anonymous Revise

Anonymous’ cyber war with the authorities of Tunisia was one of the most infamous hacks from Anonymous. The oppressive Tunisian government was using phishing with a malware code. Malware is a computer virus, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware and other malicious programs that are in the form of executable codes, scripts, active content, and other software.  And by using this technique, they were able to get Facebook, Twitter, blogs, emails and many other user passwords to delete the content that they felt was rebelling or voiced opinions about the government. The Tunisian Internet Agency’s attempt to take away the right of freedom of speech in the cyber community was overthrown by Anonymous beginning with DDoS attacks which took over a minimum of eight websites which were those of the president, the prime minister, the ministry of the industry, the ministry of foreign affairs, and the stock exchange. Anonymous also targeted the government Internet agency that was called “Ammar 404” or “Page not found” which appeared on censored sites. Anonymous used Internet Relay Chat (ICR) that is an online discussion forum to plan the operation. OpTunisia was a group that brought online activists together and a member of Anonymous spammed the forum and bringing supporters from around the globe together. Anonymous spread itself to Wikileaks and let information from the censorship to the Internet users to see. Though the Anonymous website itself was under attack with DDoS attacks, they were going to finish their DDos attacks to the DNS server. I definitely do not think that Anonymous’ attacks on the Tunisian government and Wikileaks were wrong because every human being; no matter located in what country, what religion, or what color has the right to express their freedom of speech.  It is a universal right. No other human being or beings such as a government has the right to silence their citizens because it is the birthright of every human. Why? Because God did not send down certain human being or beings as “the better people” that are superior to anyone else and have the power to shut someone else’s freedom of religion, speech, and open access to information. Everyone on this Earth is equal. Just because some people are lighter than others, or have more money than others does not give them the right to abuse others. And for those that do not believe in God, science says we all evolved from tiny organisms, called prokaryotes. Prokaryotes into eukaryotes, which were all the same. Every single one of them. They then turned into animals. And then evolved into humans. The color of someone’s skin is determined by the amount of melanin in his or her skin by where they are located on the Earth. This chemical in someone’s skin should not be the determinant of whether they have rights or not. Just as the amount of paper in someone’s pocket shouldn’t determine if they are going to destroy people’s lives.  This corrupt Tunisian government had no right to censor anything from its people and go through their private accounts, especially if they themselves are hiding themselves behind a secret curtain. This brings in the topic of just and unjust laws. Martin Luther King Jr. voiced his opinion and stated that just laws are those that a majority believes are right, that they follow and make the minority follow as well. Unjust laws are laws that a majority group make a minority group follow, but they in turn do not follow them because they are there to repress minority groups and keep them from rebelling.  This same thing occurred in Tunisia, where the government made it illegal to express freedom of speech and censored the Internet to their liking by going through Facebook, email, and other accounts. Hacking onto government websites is said to be illegal, but the government says that. They are enforcing this law because it is what they believe because they are the majority. The minority (the people) may not agree with this. But that is why they are called a “minority.” Because their opinions do not matter. But censoring information on the Internet and keeping secrets from the citizens is not illegal? And neither is invading their privacy by going through their personal accounts on the Web. The government has the right to hack, which they have renamed things such as “National Security Agency,” but Anonymous hacking is called a threat and given the bad name of “hacking.” It is all double standards. Hacking in order to help the freedom of expression and bring down repressive forces is “illegal”. The majority defines all of these “laws” as laws in their own words and definitions, and imposes them on majorities and minorities, but they only benefit to the majority because it keeps all the minority people at the same level. And this was the case in Tunisia.

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