Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Social Engineering Task #1

1.  What was your task?
My task was to get one of my classmates to lend me a dollar.
2.  What did you do? 
On the day we were given the task, I tried waiting in front of the vending machines outside class, but everyone was on guard. Waited till the next week, came to class real early. When someone came in after about 15-20 minutes wait, I pulled out my wallet pretending to count money. I engaged my target (Dr.Green) and pretended i didn't want to get a bunch of coins in change from the machine as I only had big bills. He agreed to lend me the dollar afterwards.
3.  How effective was your strategy?
Whether effective or not, I'm not sure. Dr.Green was just being nice to help me. The task would've been easier to accomplish if it was later on, when we got to know each other more.
4.  What are the moral stakes?
Asking for a dollar isn't really something to think about morally. Tricking the target to accomplish my goal was not exactly nice though, especially when we are still learning about each other.
5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?
Borrowing a dollar is pretty common thing. I don't think this "skill" will work on more critical information like ID, credit cards, etc.
6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this.
Felt bad tricking a friendly classmate we are still getting to know, but felt good completing my first mission as lying isn't something I'm strong at.

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