Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Social Engineering Task #4

1 My task was to get a fellow player to pick up my jacket or bag.

2 During class (2-16-16), a few people stepped out of the classroom to do their business, including me. A while after I came back, Helion Black stepped out. I took this opportunity to hang my bag on the back of my chair on one strap. Then I scooted my chair away from my desk more than usual and towards Helion Black's seat. As he walked in, I pretended to scoot forward while placing my hand behind my seat as if I was pushing. I pushed my bag's strap off the back of my chair as he walked by. Helion Black instinctively picked up my bag without thinking about it. Then he took his seat.

3 I didn't think the plan would work, but was worth a try. What led the plan to success was probably more the time frame in which it happened. As he was walking past my seat, it was only a split second in where I dropped my bag and him picking it up. He probably didn't have time to think about any of this and just instinctively reacted.

4 Picking up something someone dropped is a polite and friendly gesture. It is something most people would do regardless of whether the person is a stranger or friend. It is something you don't really think about as you just act when faced with such scenario. Kind people like this can usually be manipulated into picking up something pretty easily.

5 This skill can help in various scenarios. Say you have a partner in crime stealing information from a target's room, but the target came back earlier than expected. You can intercept the target and make him help you with something to potentially slow him down, buying time for your partner. A while ago I read that law enforcement would pull similar stunts (false traffic accidents, false construction sites, etc...) to manipulate their targets on the road.

6 This mission was harder than my previous missions where I just took pictures of people, but it wasn't impossible. I did feel bad exploiting someone's kindness to complete my mission. I am happy I completed my mission though.