Monday, February 8, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 2

My social engineering task for the week consisted of getting a fellow player to give me their birthday. I thought of a way to ask him him what his birthday was but ended up not asking him at all. Since i had class with him before and i new his name but not his full name i went back to the class emails and foud out his full name. From there i looked up his name and came up with 140 million hits on google. Then i remembered him saying that he lived in *****e MA so i put that in came up with too many people; so i hit a wall there . Then i hit me he talked about Raytheon then i searched his name and Raytheon and came up with his linkedin profile which gave me his birthday. This was fun and eye opening because made me realize that i am also vulnerable and that i have to go and block certain information. 

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