Sunday, February 28, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 5

My task was to reach out to a fellow player and get them to tell me their address and then to get a picture of their front door. Since I no longer come to the classes in person this is a very difficult task. I do have the email address of several players. I could have tried to get their address via email but unless they had been drinking heavily at the time, they would have known that I was trying to hack them. I do know the city where two players live but that is a far cry from getting their address. If I had their address I could go to Google Maps street view and take a snip of their residence. There are not any moral stakes involved here. We all know it is a competition and in all fairness to all the other players, we should make each player earn their success and not hand it to them if we know we are being hacked. If I had gotten someone's address the only thing I could do with the skills I would have obtained is to send them an invitation to my graduation party in June. Assuming of course I complete my courses this semester.