Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 4

The task I was assigned was to get a stranger to either carry your coat or bag. To be honest i procrastinated on this assignment because i did not see how to go about it. At first i thought since i don't take public transportation as much i might start doing that. So what i was trying to do was to go to downtown and stand outside and con my way to get somebody to carry my bag or coat and my reasoning would be that i was doing a experiment to see the pattern when people are walking carrying a item. I never got a chance to go and test it out but over the weekend i went over to someone house and their was a few people that i didn't know which would qualify them as being strangers. As i was going home i ask on of them to help me carry my bag in the car for me which she did. When i got to the car i realized that i have completed my task because before that day i did not know the person and i asked them to help me out and they did so I guess my work here is done and you guys will be the judge of it.


  1. Good that you were thinking of this over the weekend. This seems a bit easy to complete this though. 2 points

  2. Good that you were thinking of this over the weekend. This seems a bit easy to complete this though. 2 points
