Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Social Engineering Task #2

My task was follow a stranger on campus without being noticed (For at least 15 minutes) I started following this guy from outside the campus. At the beginning everything was going pretty good until at some point he made a sharp turn and I had to improvise something, so I hid myself behind a column just to avoid eye contact. I pretended he was something I knew, so I would spice something up, otherwise I wouldn't had cared about him seeing me. Here is the first photo I took of him, I failed to take one right outside as he was basically already inside the school. After he took that sharp turn he went into the main lobby, tossed a cup of coffee and wandered around back and forward without any apparent reason. After a while he started walking to the B-D building connection, he turned on the right and stopped in front of a class. As I was trying to take a picture of him he moved again right towards me, so I had to hide again and see what he was on about. He went to the restroom and I waited outside patiently. After 5 minutes (it seemed forever) he came out without wearing his jacket and went straight back to the class where he entered. I took a fast picture of him right there but it came out pretty blurry because my phone is not that good at taking pictures in movement. Tho you can recognize him by the backpack. My consideration on this is, I found it kinda awkward to do this because I didn't have a real purpose, but hey, I am quite an ok stalker. As per the moral issues involved I don't think I did anything immoral, especially because I did not harm anyone. Tho if you stalk someone you can do all sort of things besides photographing him, of course. I think I have learnt that no matter what, no matter where, even if for a class project, someone might randomly stalk you, so keep your eyes open!!!

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