Monday, February 8, 2016

Erin Barr Hack (Revised)

Erin Barr Hack (Revised)

Erik Barr was the former CEO H.B.Gary, a federal intelligence contractor. He told Financial Times that he had the confirmed identities of the Anonymous ringleaders. Anonymous responded by hacking into HBGary’s servers and publishing his emails. What interested me about this hack was the little attention that was given to the leaked email proposals from Mr. Barr where he formulated to discredit Julian Assange and cyber attacking Wiki Leaks. He proposed submitting fake documents to wiki leaks that when discovered to be false, it can be formulated as a way to discredit Wiki Leaks. Also, the proposal he sent Bank Of America on DDos Cyber attacks on wiki leaks, all because Julian Assange had info on a bank doing wrongdoing.

Why wasn’t this man thrown in jail for his actions? Why is it ok for government officials and or affiliates to make these kinds of propositions and not be help responsible? Why wasn’t the media all over this? I feel that this man passed the ethical line. If this had been a regular John Doe, the Government would be all over this. Charging the regular citizen with criminal contempt and countless other charges. The Government bends the rules. They can pretty much get away with anything and the punishment they give will never be proportional to the crime.

Anonymous was trying to protect their identity when they hacked into this company. I completely agree with everything they did. Some people may argue that there was no point in releasing Erin Barrs emails, which you could say there really was no purpose in doing so, but the information contained in this emails was what made this case the more interesting. Yes, anonymous hacked into this company to protect themselves because if the identity of these members would have been exposed then they will have to go to Jail for expressing their opinions. As I said before; the punishment will never be proportional to the crime. The government is capable of anything to keep their wrongdoing secret. Politicians and corporations bend the rules and laws to suit their own needs. The way I see it, Anonymous was protecting themselves. After the emails were exposed not much was talked about or reported on. Since I guess it was considered not that big of deal. I bet if the tables were turned things would of turned out a lot differently.

Everyone should be able to communicate and get his or her message out on the internet. Freedom of speech extends to online. We have the right not to be monitored by the government when we voice our opinions. Anonymous contributes towards democracy around the world. Everyone should stand up against oppressive governments. Because you are part of the government it does not give you the right to bend the rules, or make serious propositions that is considered unlawful. There is no structure and their also is no leadership.

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