Monday, February 15, 2016

Social Engineering task #3

1 - My task was to take a picture of a stranger without their knowledge.

2 - I was at the computer lab working on some assignments with a friend. Just when we were about to leave, I remembered my assignment. I simply took a picture of someone who was facing the other way as I was walking away.

3 - Rather effective as the target didn't notice anything. Most simple as well.

4 - Did not affect me morally as it is just a simple task for a game.

5 - Don't see much I can do with this picture of a random stranger.

6 - The task was rather simple and rather harmless. I felt relieved after taking the picture as I actually forgot I even had a task. Good thing I remembered as i was walking away.

1 comment:

  1. How about if the stranger was typing a password in and you got a picture of the password? 2 points.
