Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Social Engineering Task #2

MsPinkyToe   reporting for duty this week and my 2nd mission for this week was to take a video of a fellow player without them knowing. This task could have been a little smoother if I had the better timing opportunity to capture a video of my target. In the beginning stages everyone in the classroom was my target until I had to figure out how to keep a steady visual of someone being watching as they continued with their day. I set my phone to a timer to notify me so I could pretend to take a call which did not work even though I had my video set. Walking out of the classroom took an awkward unstable video. Once class was over my fellow classmates started to gather their things slowly with the intentions of plotting against each other. Will gathering my things I glanced to the right of me and spotted two still figures conversing. It was Sgt. Bluebonnet & Lelion Noir towards the back corner of the room talking or maybe plotting. So I focused my task towards Lelion Noir cause he was still sitting his is chair to where I could keep a decent focus without having the worry about fully focusing my camera phone. I’m not sure if he was in incognito or just getting suited up for the road. He had his hoodie on while sitting in a chair or maybe this was his way to avoid people who may be plotting against him.  Got you Lelion Noir and I do have to apologize because I did feel the conversation was assuming and you funny. But my job for the day was to video someone whom does not know I’m recording. I do feel bad for performing this task for he had no idea the lens was focused on him. But know a day’s people turn their phone camera and we as a people have no clue who is watching, taking snap shots, or even video recording without their acknowledgement.
DOUBLE CLICK 2 SEE VIDEO/ CLICK OPEN/ mp4 SHOULD OPEN                                          

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Pinky Toe please update/use your hacker identity. Good job! 3 points.
