Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Social Engineering Task #2

1.  What was your task?
My task was to get a stranger to let you take a video of them.

2.  What did you do? 
I went to student lounge to find my target. After a period of time, I took aim at a nice man. I pretended I was a statistics student. I asked him nicely, and I said, “ would you mind I interrupter you about 30 second?.” He said yes. I told him I got a statistic’s assignment that counted how many people think technology ruined our life. I told him that I needed to take a video proof I did that assignment really, and he just need to said yes or no to answer my question. He was happy to help me to talk this video. After that, I told him I needed to change other place to find people. He said good luck for me. I succeed to finish my task.                                   

3.  How effective was your strategy?
I think my strategy was effective. First, I pretended I was a statistics’ student. It was easy to make people trust you because statistics’ assignments may need student to go outside to ask people question. On the other hand, pretending a student of statistics was more easy to make a reason to make a stranger to let you take a video of them. I only let that man said yes or no to answer my question because people did not like to answer too many question. Therefore, a short answer could make them be happy to help you. When I finished this video, I told him that I change other area to count. It could show I really did my assignments. If I just left without saying anything, he might think I was a trickster. Than he might asked me to delete that video. Also, I choose to finish my task at school because nobody would doubt you was not a student.

For protecting this ncie man privacy, I try to hide his whole face.

4.  What are the moral stakes?
Tricking a target to finish my task was so bad. If so many people pretended to be a statistics’ student to ask information, people might did not trust statistics’ students. Statistics’ students’ assignments will become very hard.

5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?
I have done this. I think I learn a lot from it. First, If you want to cheat someone to do something, you have do something very relate to that “something”. Also, the most important part was never let a stranger to take a video of you. A bad person could use your video to make crime. They could modify this video. Even though you just said yes on the video, you have already made you in a big trouble. For example, If a bad person modify this video to send to your families, your families may trust it. This modified video could be a request to send money.

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this.
I felt so embarrassing to do that. That man was really nice. He understood a statistics’ student may need to finish a lot of hard assignment. After the video, he also said good luck for me. He was a good guy. I shamed at what I did.

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