Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Lab 6

does anyboy have this problem with the listening port 443 not working?


  1. The first time I tried the lab I do not think I got port 443 to listen. I don't know what the problem was. I ended up going back to do section 2 all over again then everything worked. Beware in section 3 when we are supposed to get information from the victim Windows 2003. Hit refresh then all the information will appear. Also there is a typo in the lab in section 3 where they get the left and right mixed up as to which is the attack and victim computer. Other than that everything worked OK.

    1. I felt I got through the steps good till I went to wireshark and was unable to receive any information from the 443 port. upon trying to submit the last or eleventh line gave me the same refusal. Not sure where I went wrong. Retried steps from section one to two twice and still same results.......????
