Saturday, February 13, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 3

My task was to get a fellow player to come home with me. In my opinion this is a very difficult task in that some players do not have a car, do not live near my city or don't know me that well.

If I started asking players to come to my house they would probably think I was weird. The female players would probably think I was a deviant. My strategy was to offer an open invitation to anyone that wanted to drop by to work on the lab with me. I wrote my email on the board so that anyone interested could contact me. I thought it would be a good method because many players knew I completed the last lab and that I would be a good source of help based on that and the fact that I tutor IT classes at the TASC. I saw several players make note of my email address so I thought that I might be onto something. Unfortunately no one has contacted me. The fact that it is wicked cold this weekend does not help. If it was a nice spring weekend then perhaps I would have been successful.

I do not feel there are any moral stakes involved with this task. In fact I am more than happy to have any player come over to work on class assignment. I have some halfway decent resources that I would be more than happy to share. I felt that I had as much to offer as I was to gain. If I were to succeed with my mission it would have been nice to have someone over on a weekend afternoon.

I did feel kind of strange asking people that do not know me that well to come over. Perhaps if it was further into the semester players would feel more comfortable accepting my invitation.

I want to close by saying that because of a job I started this past week I will no longer be able to attend the class in person. Everything I do will be via the blog and email. Players are still welcome to contact me for help or to drop by. I give the professors permission to make my BHCC email available.


  1. Good try, all the best for your new job !!!

  2. Did you consider bribing them with offers of free pizza and beer?

  3. LOL. Good attempt. No points on the board but grade credit for the attempt. And Cyan has a point....a party or food usually gets people motivated. :)
