Monday, February 8, 2016

Ethics Assignment #1 Revised


A few years ago, Anonymous conducted a DDos attack on Paypal/Visa/MC. Their reason was because the aforementioned companies stopped or refused to process payments for WikiLeaks donations. Due to the amount of of traffic being led to these companies’ web sites, the sites couldn’t accept legitimate traffic. Afterwards, authorities conducted began to raid the homes of suspected hackers.


I can’t make a claim on this is issue as it has two sides to it: a legal and an ethical one.


From a legal point of view is is wrong as a DDos attacked can’t be performed from a single attack point; so the attackers have to either use a bunch of leased servers (which are expensive) or create an botnet, which in itself is a legal mess.

From an ethical point of view, one of the first questions that arises is: Are DDos attacks a form of  protest? I say yes. It's as ethical as a peaceful demonstration in a city square which can at times bring traffic to a halt.


Corporations have a right to select what kind of payments they wish to process or not. Individuals have a right to protest a company’s actions. This is where the law and technology meets. Unfortunately the law is slow to adapt to current technologies and this is why we have punishments that are way too harsh for the act committed.

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