Monday, February 1, 2016

Social Engineering Post #1

My task was that got a follow player to buy you something

I did not know my classmates well. When my classmates did their introduction, I tried to remember their name. The first thing I though was that when my class finished, I went to snack vending machine. Then I wait my classmates past that way, so I could try to ask them to buy me a bag of snack. I wait almost 10 minutes, and nobody went that way. After one minute, I saw my classmates went that way, but I did not ask them. I started to think that action was so stupid because they might say you could go home and eat. Therefore, I changed my plan. I went to orange line station, and I hided my wallet in my backpack. I wait my classmates went through this way again. After 6 minutes, I saw Admiral Arsenic was ready to go through this way. I tried to make my face sad. When Admiral Arsenic arrived the orange line station. I walked in front of her, and I said hi to her politely. I said her name correctly, and I said I was her classmates. I told her that I forgot my wallet home, and I showed my pocket that had no wallet to her. I asked her to buy me a ticket sincerely. Finally, Admiral Arsenic bough me a ticket.

For my strategy, at first, when my classmates introduce themselves, I took note to remember their name. Asking someone name correctly could be rise a little bit of trust. They might forgot who you were because we were in class not so many time. If you said their name correctly, they could remember your were their classmates. Second, my task was get a follow player to buy me something. I set up something had a low price. It should be up to $2.00. Cheaper thing could make my task easily. Third, I needed to set up a time to start my task. The end of this class was a good opportunity to finish my task because this class was nobody took the same class with my other CIT class. If I miss this chance, I could not finish my task. When this class finished, I went to outside of class right away. Third, I stood in front of a sack snack vending machine to wait a follow player. However, I changed my plan, because I could not make a good reason for it. I though most of my classmate may take orange line. Therefore, I went to the orange line station to wait for my classmates. Asking a follow player to buy me a ticket could be more easy because ticket was cheap and necessary. When I saw Admiral Arsenic, I pretend to be so sad. I also showed her that I did not have a wallet. These action let her feel that I really needed a ticket. Finally, she bough me a ticket.

For the moral stakes, I think I cheat my classmate's trust. Next time, if I asked Admiral Arsenic help me to do some thing, she may does not trust me. If everybody do what I did, this society will get worst. Trust will hard to build. When someone really needs help, people may do not trust him.

After I have done this. I think I can not trust people easily, especially the nice people. If a stranger accost suddenly, he must purpose to something. When we face a stranger, we need to be careful. Also we need to consider why this stranger will chose this area to accost you. We should analysis his motivation before we start to make our decision. On another hand, If you ask someone that you know to do something, it is important to say their name correctly.

This task was so hard for me because it was my first time to cheat some that I did not know. Also I spoke English not really well, so I have pool communication skill. Whenever I talk to a native speaker, I feel so nervous. I am afraid of that I can not understand what they talking about. Therefore, I feel so hard to start my task. When I did my task, I felt so uncomfortable. When I choose Admiral Arsenic to be my target, I felt so guilty. She was a really nice person who tried to help me. However I utilized her trust, I was a bad guy. I felt I was like a bad homeless guy. I have no choice to finish my task. I have to say sorry to Admiral Arsenic.


  1. Two years ago I really did forget my wallet when I went to work. One of my fellow workmates offered to share his lunch with me without me asking. I asked to borrow two dollars to take the T home. I did not have my Charlie Card with me therefore the fare was $2.50. I politely asked the person at the T stop if I could ride for only $2.00 and he was kind enough to comply. I don't like to do this sort of thing just for the sake of doing it because it does not prove anything. If I am really in a jam then that is a different story.

  2. Doctor Green....great job. You can always repay the money and apologize. I bet Admiral Arsenic will understand and accept your apology. 4 points!
