Monday, February 1, 2016

Social Engineering Task #1

My mission was to find out how a fellow player gets to BHCC on Tuesdays (Car? T? Bike? etc.).

Target: Dr. Blue Ninja

I engaged the subject in friendly conversation by using my previously known knowledge of him to obtain the assigned task. I appealed to his interest by asking more info on the hobby I knew he had. Dr. B.N participates in rocket launch events all over the northeast.  Once engaged, it was not difficult to accomplish my mission. Dr. Blue Ninja drives from Revere to school on Tuesdays. 
It is easier to obtain the information you want when you start communicating with the targeted individual about things that you already know sparks their interests. So it is definitely easier to do that to people you have had previous conversations with and that you’ve already learned a bit about.

I guess the moral stakes would be what I would do with this information. I could eventually do some research on the Revere area and start asking him questions about the area until it leads to him giving me his address. Now, once I have his address then there are endless possibilities of the things I can do with this information. Eg. I can send $100 worth of pizzas to his house, or something obnoxious like that.

I didn’t feel as if I was doing anything wrong by obtaining this information since I know I wasn’t really asked to do anything else but find out how this person gets to school everyday.