Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Social task 2

My task was to get a stranger to give me the receipt for a purchase they made. I was able to accomplish my task very easily and below I have posted the picture of the receipt. The steps I followed I was standing outside the liquor store waiting for my friend and then I saw some people entering the liquor they seemed to be already drunk and they came to buy more hard drinks. I started conversation with one of them about the pleasant weather and as we continued the conversation I started discussing about the brands of Vodka and their different prices and I asked him which one do you prefer the most and then he showed me the one he bought and then I asked him for the price and then he showed me the receipt. Then I asked him do you want the receipt or should I trash it for you and then I kept the receipt with me and that’s how I was able to complete my task. People could easily take advantage of people whom are drunk or take too much drugs as they do not know what they are exactly doing in the present.

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