Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Social Engineering Task #5

My task was to get a business to give me something that costs money to someone but free for me.
Yes, I accomplished my task with the evidence.
When I got my task I found very difficult to figure out how someone can give me something for free which costs money to him. I got an idea one of my friend has 2 earphones for his iPhone. I asked him can you give me one I have lost mine and pretend like I really need them immediately. He just gave it to me and I accomplished my task.
I applied emotional techniques to complete my task. Emotional techniques are very effective to ask people to give something to them. These techniques are basically used with known persons. It is very helpful when you need online or cellphone passwords of your friends.

I feel very bad when I complete my task. I asked my friend to give his earphones even though I already have. My task costs him money too. I don’t really like it but I had to do it.
Here is the evidence of my task.

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