Monday, February 6, 2017

Ethic Blog Assignment

Situation: Hacker group Anonymous shuts down KKK website.

Claim: Analyzing the situation in an objective way, based on moral principles from which the interpretation of every law that governs a democratic society should originate, this action is ethically right.  

Argument: An individual or specifically in this case a whole organization that promotes the misconception of inferiority of a group of citizens within our democratic society, based on something as trivial as the color of our skins, or to be more specific by the amount of melanin in our skins (which is what determines a person’s skin color), is not only promoting hatred but it is also putting the lives and rights of such citizens in serious danger.  This will also affect negatively the democracy as a whole by creating many situations of segregation, discrimination, and other counterproductive elements which can put the democratic system at risk.  

Principle: Although I firmly believe in the right to freedom of speech which is part of our supreme law (the Constitution ), I also believe in a very important and ancient democratic principle: “My freedoms ends where your rights begin”. It might sound like a paradox but anybody who can put somebody else's shoes on in order to objectively analyze this specific situation , they will conclude that protecting such organization's immoral actions under the first amendment is like protecting misogyny base on the fact that the Declaration of Independence says: “All men are created equal...” and hence women should have no rights.

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