Sunday, February 26, 2017

Social Engineering Task 5

The task I was faced with this week was to find out where someone lived and post a photo of their house on the blog. So the situation became how would I do that. I was not going to invite myself to someones house. I was not going to stalk someone to their house, yet I needed to get this done. I thought of multiple ways that this could play out and I came up with the solution to my situation. I engaged in conversation and asked where this person was from. As it turns out my target lived in the neighbor hood I grew up in so the rest came easy. Once I found out the address I went on google maps and screenshot the street. But for purposes of this blog. I am uploading a very small snip.

This is very wrong indeed if asked for malicious purposes. You basically have a huge insight into this person and where they reside. It is so dangerous for the person being targeted. They can either be attacked when they are alone at home or coming out of their house. Or they can be ransacked if the person waits for them to leave. Which could be detrimental to them and others who live with them.

For example if I stalked this person for days I may be able to find out a schedule if they have one. Of when they leave home. I can wait as well until I know that not a lot of people are around the street and get to know that as well. The one day I can attack this person myself or with a group of people with similar interests. It is dangerous. Also if someone is ragging about all of their goods and someone finds out where they live then someone can come and steal your stuff.

The principle of why this is ethically wrong is because unless if you and this person have a real relationship then this information should never be given out to a stranger. You put yourself and your family at risk and a lot can be at stake if you tell the wrong person where you live.

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