Thursday, February 23, 2017

Social Engineering Challenge # 4

The task:  To follow a fellow player off campus for at least 30 minutes.

Did I accomplish it? No, but I attempted to accomplish the task twice. The number of attempts was limited by the fact it needed to be a fellow player, and since I do not have any other class in common with anybody in this class, I couldn’t do it more that 2 times.
Execution & Narrative: During the first attempt I waited until the target was about to leave the classroom and I followed the target at a reasonable distance so that it wouldn’t be too suspicious. The target went to the cafeteria and sat there for a very long time, I waited and by the time the target got up to leave the campus I had to go to another class.
During the second attempt I had a different target and I took the same approach, I waited until the target left the classroom, I followed the target to the computer lab, unfortunately eventually the target went into another class and  I had another class.
I do not have any pictures as evidence that I attempted to follow the 2 different targets because in both cases I thought it would be better to keep a certain distance and I did not want to rise any suspicious which would had ruined the execution of my task. My original plan was to wait until I had accomplished the task in campus and then to approach the targets to let them know what I was engaged in, at that point I would had asked for permission to follow them and at moment I was planning to take a picture as evidence but I did not get to that point.  
Application:  If somebody would do this in a real life situation and be successful they could gather all kind of sensitive information such as where the target lives, what kind of route they take, what is their routine, who are the people they associate with and that could allow them to make a plan in order to accomplish whatever the ultimate goal is.  
Ethical reflection: This challenge made me realize how important is to be aware about our surroundings. Anybody who follows somebody is doing something that is ethically wrong because you are invading the privacy of that person, although there are no laws in Massachusetts about stalking somebody until it becomes a threat, I think it is a regular norm to not do that because it is creepy and it only shows that the person who is doing it must have hidden intentions which most likely won't be any good.

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