Monday, February 27, 2017

Social Engineering Task #5

My Task : Make a video of fellow player.

Did I accomplish it : Yes, with the evidence. 

Method: I just get to know last week that couple of our fellow players lives in same town. One of them lives just across the street from my house. We have one more same class and we met occasionally. I met him one evening and we went to connivence store next to my house. While he was paying. I was having phone in my hand and turn the brightness down, so no one is able to see my screen and flip the phone (afterwards I edit this video),  so no one get to know that I just made this 10 sec video.

Application: Anyone can make video with same method of anyone. This is hurts someone's privacy too. My sentiments were not in that way. I just accomplished my task. Otherwise, in the same way, I could have known his pin number for his ATM card, and many other personal things too.

Ethical reflection: I believe that the way I accomplished my task is not morally right. Upon reflection, I realized that we do not always choose our thoughts either. They can often be like images, words or impressions that "flash up on the screen" without our willing them to do in that way. They may just come in on a train of others thoughts, one thought leading another. Or sometimes we get a thought that appalls us for its wickedness. But we didn't choose the thought; it juts popped up out of somewhere, like same in my situation.

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