Monday, February 6, 2017

Social Engineering Task 2

My task this week was to get a BHCC student to give me their phone number. I accomplished my task by running into a classmate I worked with last semester and exchanging contact information.

Anyone can do what I did to accomplish a similar task. All you really have to do is run into an acquaintance, talk for a bit, and then exchange info. My approach to this task wasn't too hard. As for what someone can do with the information, well, with the right tools a person can find out a lot of information about another person with a phone number. For example: what address was used when registering/opening the new number.

Anyone can use my approach and be "morally right." When you run into someone you know and would like to exchange contact info to keep in touch, there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you decide to take that info and start digging for more information about the person without their permission, then that would definitely be an issue.

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