Tuesday, February 14, 2017

ASSIGNMENT: Blog post on laws and ethics, due 2/20 at 11:59 PM

Please create a blog post that builds on the work we will do today concerning ethics.  Here is the prompt for this blog post.  

Select a law that you believe is significant or controversial nowadays.  (The law you select can be related to computing and hacking, but it doesn't have to be.)  In a written blog post, please briefly describe the law and link to a source or two backing up that description.  Then, think!  Under what circumstances would it be just to disobey that law, in your opinion?  Why?  Situate your reasoning in the context of one or more of the thinkers on matters of laws and ethics (Plato, King, Rawls) that we encountered this past week.  (This means that you relate your reasons to their ideas--you don't necessarily agree or disagree with them, but you connect or compare your ideas to theirs.)

Please post this to the blog by 11:59 PM on Monday, February 20.  This post should be about 250-400 words long.

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